Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Path of Beauty

I walk the path of beauty.
I walk among the firefly stars of the night
Where silence embraces me
Like a warm blanket.
I hear sounds that tickle my ears and soothe me.
I lay upon the ground
That becomes my bed.
I sink into the Earth.
I listen to my heart
And it becomes the drum sound that guides me.
I feel the pulse of my blood,
Surging like a river into mystery.
I explore the depths of my breath,
And I become the Wind
That knows every place.
All my senses communicate
The beauty that surrounds me and is inside
My heart is full
And I am one with all creation.


plum said...

Gorgeous - you've caught the moment/ the feeling so beautifully, so completely.

Thank you for this reminder of how I can feel and prefer to be. Thank you. Thank you.

Susannah said...

Beautiful. :-)

Security is not about taming the ocean,
it’s about learning how to sail your boat across it.